The #protectgloucester camp: @coolmccool reports

  The Protect Gloucester camp is now open and ready for business. Situated among breath-taking scenery close to AGL’s fracking site, the camp is manned by a team of dedicated locals, who have put in many hours of hard work to get the camp ready. Built to meet very stringent regulations demanded by the local […]

Certa bonum certamen: Tony Fitzgerald renames ‘bullying cowards’ @couriermail the ‘Craven Mail’ #qldpol

On Tuesday night, Queensland’s pre-eminent corruption fighter Tony Fitzgerald used his introduction to the biannual “Tony Fitzgerald Lecture” at Griffith University by Professor David Bayley to fight back against the The Courier Mail’s latest attack on his credibility. Having supplied a pre-scripted speech to the media before taking to the podium, Mr Fitzgerald surprised everyone when […]

The business of risk: @adropex on values exposed by Credit Suisse @SantosLtd #Pilliga #csg report

On 3 July Credit Suisse, published a report on the Narrabri Gas Project (NGP). The NGP is a coal seam gas (CSG) operation in the Pillaga State Forest in northwestern NSW, owned and operated by Australian company Santos Ltd. The purpose of the report was: “To assess the risks to the NGP due to the […]

#BentleyBlockade a trigger to taking our country back? @mickdaley1 on the democratic possibilities

[clear] Must SHARE! Awesome edit! @parisanddarmin #Pilliga #leardblockadeThe Emperor Wears No Clothes – #BentleyBlockade: — Meredith Stanton (@CloudsCreek) May 25, 2014 As tents and tripods came down and people figured out how to extract extract several tonnes of vehicles and associated implements embedded in concrete at Gates A, B and C to the farm […]

Australia at #CSG war on home soil: Invoking ANZAC to back #BentleyBlockade and #Pilliga

Just after Anzac Day I saw a film clip from the Bentley Blockade near Lismore, where 2000 people had gathered to block access to coal seam gas mining company Metgasco.  In a misty dawn they had held their own Anzac memorial service.  After ‘Lest we forget’, the camera panned to an older country woman.  She […]

Restoring integrity in politics: @Sally_Owl on what citizens can do

Integrity, Decency, Transparency and Accountability Four words that mean the difference between goodies and baddies, to put it into terms our Prime Minister will understand. So what do these four words that motivated 100,000 people to March in March really mean? Integrity is the adherence to moral and ethical principles.  It is demonstrating a sound […]

A Eureka Stockade moment? Your #BentleyBlockade brief before NSW Police ‘Operation Stapler’

[clear] [clear]Northern Rivers communities unite against government-endorsed gas mining frenzy In protest against the mining frenzy that is gripping the country, the community-led non-violent blockade at Bentley in the Northern Rivers of NSW is emerging as one of the largest social uprisings the country has witnessed. The blockade of the drill site, which began almost […]

Look! You Punters just don’t understand ‘time honoured’ traditions ok? @YaThinkN

I saw some awful reports in regard to poor Joe Hockey, our esteemed Treasurer, ‘being for sale‘ in the paper this morning. Scurrilous journalism at it’s best. Sky News was right onto this outrageous slur against our Treasurer’s integrity, with a bit of hardworking investigative journalism, they got right to the heart of this so-called […]

Cash for Campbell, Newman named in ICAC inquiry: @Qldaah analysis #qldpol

Introduction Ch1: Cash flows into the LNP Ch2: Calls for Inquiry Ch3: DP Jeff Seeney backs Newman Ch4: Campbell Newman’s Director-General Jon Grayson drawn further into ICAC Ch5: AWH targeted Qld water customers and Ipswich ratepayers Ch6: How Wayne Myers, associate of Campbell Newman’s D-G Jon Grayson, was employed at AWQ Ch7: The big deal: […]

Corruption fighter Tony Fitzgerald QC names Queensland power abuses: @Qldaah analysis

On Friday, March 28, 2014, Tony Fitzgerald condemned Campbell Newman’s Liberal National Party (LNP) government for proposed changes to Queensland’s Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC). In a written submission to the parliamentary committee reviewing the bill, Mr Fitzgerald described the move as: “the final step needed to remove the Commission’s independence entirely and bring it completely […]