On 3 July Credit Suisse, published a report on the Narrabri Gas Project (NGP). The NGP is a coal seam gas (CSG) operation in the Pillaga State Forest in northwestern NSW, owned and operated by Australian company Santos Ltd. The purpose of the report was: “To assess the risks to the NGP due to the […]
The business of risk: @adropex on values exposed by Credit Suisse @SantosLtd #Pilliga #csg report
August 2, 2014
Filed Under: #ActiveDemocracy, #auspol, #Pilliga, CSG, Environment, Front Page Tagged With: agriculture, aquifers, climate change, coal, coal mining, Coal seam gas, corruption, Credit-Suisse, CSG, environment, Greenhouse Gas, groundwater, ICAC, Maules Creek, Narrabri, NSW Government, Pilliga, renewable energy, social issues, Social Media