(February 21, 2015) – Aftermath. (February 20, 2015) – Tropical Cyclone Marcia lands, (February 19, 2015) – Newman lashes out. (February 18, 2015) – Health of the state. (February 17, 2015) – Meeting with business and union leaders. (February 16, 2015) – More experienced. Summary A busy first week for new Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk. […]
Hiding fundraisers not in the public interest – The Qld Weekly #qldpol: @Qldaah
December 2, 2014
Morgan poll: 50.5pc to LNP. Hiding fundraisers not in the public interest. New record in political advertising. Valedictory speeches as storm lashes final sitting day. New Qld Integrity Commissioner’s warning. Bulldoze first, ask permission later. Water management changes threaten Great Barrier Reef. Deleting the surgery waiting list. Tweet of the week – Brownie led recovery. […]
Does LNP Gympie MP David Gibson deserve a third chance? @Qldaah #qldpol
April 27, 2014
In 2012, Campbell Newman chose MP for Gympie, David Gibson as his Police Minister. However, two weeks into the job he resigned. Gibson had been caught speeding and driving without a licence on February 16, 2012. A non payment of a fine for a prior speeding infringement in May 2011 had led to his licence […]