Money makes the world go round. That’s a truism in a market economy. The promise of democracy – one vote, one person, one value – ought to balance that. But what if money makes the political world go round? Nothing less than the fate of electoral democracy is at stake if we let money swamp […]
Money has swamped Qld politics, and that endangers democracy: @Graeme_Orr #qldvotes comment
Innumerate or deceptive: @adropex dissects @TheIPA ‘report’ into ABC coal coverage #leardblockade
Innumerate Ignorance or Calculated Deception It is unfortunate that the IPA, and in particular James Paterson, did not take note of the ‘scholarship’ referred to in their recent report of the ABC’s coverage of ‘Australia’s energy choices’ and apply it to their own publication. It would undoubtedly have saved them the embarrassment of making public […]
Look! You Punters just don’t understand ‘time honoured’ traditions ok? @YaThinkN
I saw some awful reports in regard to poor Joe Hockey, our esteemed Treasurer, ‘being for sale‘ in the paper this morning. Scurrilous journalism at it’s best. Sky News was right onto this outrageous slur against our Treasurer’s integrity, with a bit of hardworking investigative journalism, they got right to the heart of this so-called […]
Maverick Narrabri Councillor Bevan O’Regan ‘a certain style of country bloke’: @nocsg profile, Margo interview #leardblockade
[clear] UPDATE 12.55pm: Margo’s Q&A with dissident Narrabri Councillor Bevan O’Regan Bevan, 81, is a retired wheat and cattle farmer and the deputy Mayor of Narrabri Council with three sons and three grandchildren. “My hobbies are studying world and domestic politics, and my interests are my family and the farming world.”. I spoke with […]
@OakeyMP on the dirty LabLib deal to grab our cash
Parliamentary speech May 28, 2013 by Rob Oaskeshott The fix is in on political donation reform. In a week of racing scandals—in fact, a month of racing scandals—the only ones ‘More Joyous’ about this failed donation reform that looks to be coming before the House today, looks to be the cosy relationship between the head […]