The latest analysis from Reputex energy consultancy shows that Australia will not meet our 2020 emissions reduction target, except by using carry over credits from the Kyoto Protocol first commitment period (2008-2012). Reputex highlights that the Government’s own figures indicate Australia will continue on a new upward emissions trajectory, with forecast growth of 6 per […]
With rising emissions Australia applies Kyoto credits to meet 2020 #climate target reports @takvera
Burying the bad news at Christmas: Greenhouse Gas emissions rising reports @takvera #Auspol
Australia’s Quarterly Update of Australia’s National Greenhouse Gas Inventory to June 2015 was published on Christmas Eve. You can usually tell something is trying to be hidden when it is being released late on a Friday to avoid public and media scrutiny. Doubly so if published on Christmas Eve. I find it hard to believe […]
Aviation and shipping emissions shamed by #FossiloftheDay at #COP21 reports @takvera
There are many intricacies to negotiating a climate agreement covering greenhouse gas emissions. One of the areas easy to overlook is aviation and shipping sector emissions. Emissions from aviation and shipping are projected to grow, so it is important that they are considered in any climate agreement. Aviation is responsible for almost 5 percent of […]
Longer #bushfire seasons driven by #climate change warns @ClimateCouncil reports @takvera
The Climate Council has warned that Australia faces increased bushfire risk, with fire seasons extending for longer due to the impact of climate change. The warning comes after the United States and Canada have suffered one of their worst wildfire seasons on record. More than 8 million acres was burnt this year with seven of […]