Energy and economics: @albericie Vs @chriskkenny Twitter battle – @Qldaah #auspol

After Emma Alberici questioned Malcolm Turnbull’s commitment to liberalism, Chris Kenny lept to the defence of the PM. So we now have a Liberal PM who's whacking a tax on banks, interfering in energy mkt & now using taxpayer $ to prop up commercial media 🤔 — Emma Alberici (@albericie) September 13, 2017 Have economics […]

Brandis free speech fudge: @MediaActive reviews the @albericie interview

ABC Lateline Interview May 7, 2013 Media regulation reform was never going to be easy in Australia. As it turned out, the legislation proposed by the Labor government foundered midst roiling misinformation and hyperbolic claims of draconian state intrusion into media freedoms. It was also not helped by the ham-fisted presentation, timing and advocacy by […]

George Brandis, free speech charlatan

MARGO: I am so disgusted with the Brandis free speech interview on @Lateline I don’t trust myself to write about it. It brought back memories of the Howard Government’s relentless assaults on free speech, egregiously denied by Brandis last night, and of his nasty record. So @NoFibs will try to drag truth back on the public […]

@albericie debates @chriskkenny on media self regulation reform: And the winner is? @chriskkenny It's not a left/right issue but one of fairness why should TV & radio news be regulated but print news not? who's politicking? — Emma Alberici (@albericie) March 14, 2013 @chriskkenny Broadcasters already regulated through ACMA what is wrong with PIMA ensuring press does what its own self-reg says it will? — […]