The Australian’s Chris Kenny has used the word “compassionistas” to decry people of “moral vanity” who responded to the current Syrian refugee crisis yet seemingly ignored the deaths at sea under the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd Government. Kenny wrote, “The moral poseurs – or compassionistas as I have called them – are at pains to show us their compassionate virtue but […]
Compassionistas Vs Christianistas: Choosing refugees based on religion highly unusual – @Qldaah #auspol
September 10, 2015
Local #IndiTalks media slams @MirabellaSophie’s “playground politics”: @Jansant reports
September 6, 2015
Sophie Mirabella (@MirabellaSophie) and Prime Minister Tony Abbott (@TonyAbbottMHR) have been accused of “playground politics” during the Spirit Of Anzac launch in Wodonga on Friday, by snubbing “people’s choice” independent, Cathy McGowan MP (@IndigoCathy) and using the event to promote their party for the next federal election. The Border Mail (@bordermail) editorial said: respect for […]