On Sunday morning’s Sunrise program Guardian Australia columnist, Van Badham, was verbally attacked as a selfish feminist leftist anarchist by former federal Labor leader, Mark Latham. He also accused her of not knowing anything about working class families and social equality. In a perfect demonstration of how men talk over, at and for women, he and […]
Van Badham eye roll counters Latham landmine – @Qldaah #feminism
May 1, 2016
Filed Under: #auspol, David Marler, Front Page, Journalism, Misogyny Tagged With: andrew o'keefe, angela cox, Australia, australian, channel 7, feminism, Mark Latham, Miranda Devine, social inequality, sunrise, Van Badham
Sheilas’ @sarah_capper: Feminist #Frightbats Unite!
June 20, 2014
[clear] [clear]We’re proud supporters of ‘Feminist Frightbats’ at Sheilas, having published more than a few of the contributors listed in Tim Blair’s “hysterical” blog post on News Limited’s Daily Telegraph website a couple of days ago. Under the post titled ‘Crown Our Crazy Queen’, Blair launched a predictable ideologically driven sexist spray against what he labeled “this […]
Filed Under: #auspol, #KingstonReports, Front Page, Misogyny, Sarah Capper, Social Media Tagged With: Catherine Deveny, Daily Telegraph, feminism, Feminist, Ford, Frightbats, Jane Caro, Margo Kingston, News Limited, Sarah Capper, Sexism, Tim Blair, Twitter, Van Badham
Women’s Minister Tony helps myth-bust views on feminism, by @sarah_capper
March 21, 2014
By Sarah Capper @sarah_capper 14th February 2014 International Women’s Day, on 8 March every year, is that time of year when we are able to celebrate, pause and reflect. And sometimes gasp. In the political sphere, we had our Minister for Women, our Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, declaring at an International Women’s Day event that having […]
Filed Under: #auspol, Activism, Front Page, Misogyny, Sarah Capper Tagged With: Adoption, Annabel Crabb, feminism, International Women’s Day, Janet Albrechtsen, Julia Gillard, Larissa Waters, leadership, Minister for Women, Penny Wong, Social Media, The Australian newspaper, Tony Abbott, Violence against Women, women’s rights
Politicians, media and feminists beware: Our youth are paying attention
June 23, 2013
Filed Under: #auspol, election2013, Fifth Estate, Front Page, Misogyny, Noely Neate, Social Media, Youth Vote Tagged With: @LacyMartini, @NoPlaceforSheep, #ConvoyOfCleavage, Activism, Caitlin Neate, feminism, Helen Razor, Jennifer Wilson, Sexism