Margo: Steve Jenkin and Kieran Cummings are regular contributors to No Fibs on the NBN. Here are their takes on its future under an Abbott Government. * *
Q&A on topsy turvy NBN debate
May 21, 2013
By Steve Jenkin May 21, 2013 The Great NBN Debate is notorious for the high degree of emotion, insult, abuse and attack by many highly vocal proponents for the two political proposals. The response seems disproportionate; something strange is going on… This piece frames simple, fundamental questions and seeks to answer them. There is a simple truth, brilliantly […]
@NoFibs NBN policy articles curated by citizen journo @pascalg15
April 11, 2013
By Pascal Grosvenor April 11, 2013 With all the claims and counter claims going back and forth via Twitter or Facebook I’ve been getting frustrated,because there’s lots of incorrect facts and sometimes outright lies being perpetrated. People on both sides of the political debate have been guilty of this. My goal is to collate the articles […]