Santos plans for a Coal seam gas field in the Pilliga region of western NSW has met stiff opposition from local farmers and traditional owners. A Santos test site was occupied today by 120 people in a mass civil disobedience action. 120 people joined traditional owners from the Gamilaraay / Gomeroi mob in occupying the […]
Occupation of #Santos #Pilliga #CSG site by traditional owners, local farmers reports @takvera
No right to report civil disobedience? Why @margokingson1 pleads guilty at #leardblockade
When I was charged with trespass at the #leardblockade on March 31 (see Getting #leardblockade arrested, WTF is journalism and who’s the extremist: @margokingston1 interview with @dailytelegraph), I sought legal advice on whether I could plead not guilty because of the implied right to freedom of political communication under the Constitution. There is no legal basis for press […]
Getting #leardblockade arrested, WTF is journalism and who’s the extremist: @margokingston1 interview with @dailytelegraph
[clear] My third trip to #leardblockade last week helped me clarify my vision for No Fibs (see Mass arrests at #leardblockade: @margokingston1 Twitter report and Picnic at boundary of Whitehaven State Forest: @margokingston1 April Fools Day Twitter report). I’m happy to answer your question in comments. I’ve never been an ‘embedded journalist’ before, and it’s testing. I was allowed […]
#CSG is risky business for aquifers: @NaomiTWS proves even the ‘good guys’ know it
By Naomi Hogan @NaomiTWS 19th March 2014 Introduction, by Margo Kingston: The NSW Government and Santos did not want the people to know that Coal Seam Gas (#CSG) exploration in the Pilliga State Forest had polluted an aquifer, because that would blow their cover that fracking could not harm the Great Artesian Basin. We know this […]
Your brief on the Santos #CSG #Pilliga saga, by @Wilderness_Aus
Introduction by Margo Kingston These are the latest media briefing notes of the Wilderness Society on the long-running fight to stop Santos fracking the #Pilliga State Forest on the Liverpool Plains in NSW for #CSG. I thought No Fibs readers might find the briefing useful as the story is now politically explosive and will get even more complicated. No Fibs […]
Occupy East Coast Gas Conference – Melinda Wilson reports
NEWS COMMENT By Melinda Wilson Over a hundred people from a wide range of community groups across Sydney and NSW voiced their concerns about the coal seam gas industry outside the East Coast Gas Outlook Conference in Sydney last week. Government and industry were at the 22 October conference to discuss ways for agriculture and […]
Groundwater: out of sight, not out of mind: @molessarah reports
By Sarah Moles Very wise people have said some crucially important things about water. For me, Leonardo Da Vinci summed it up best with: “Water is the driving force of all nature”. W.H. Auden comes a close second: “Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” Given its essential place in supporting life, […]