Torture report makes @IntlCrimCourt action against @TonyAbbottMHR’s #auspol likely: @jansant reports

On Monday, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, Juan Mendez, released a report (below) that found Australia in violation of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT). The report found multiple violations and identified the systematic nature resulting from government policy. Juan Mendez, is a survivor of […]

Wilkie and Barns turn up #refugees heat on Abbott with “comprehensive brief” to ICC. @Jansant reports

Andrew Wilkie MP (@WilkieMP) and human rights advocate and lawyer Greg Barns (@BarnsGreg) have followed up their letter to The International Criminal Court (@IntlCrimCourt) in The Hague (ICC) of last October with a “comprehensive brief on this matter”. The full brief is published below. The ICC is currently also considering a submission (with additional information) […]

Time to be Alert … And a little bit Alarmed? – the @sarah_capper column

Yes, that’s right, last week Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced the Government was raising Australia’s ‘terror alert’ status to ‘high’.  While technically this means a terrorist attack on Australian soil is now regarded as “likely”, the PM was quick to clarify that “this does not mean that a terror attack is imminent. We have no […]

Assange one of many fresh new voices striving to be heard this election

by Greg Barns June 17, 2013 According to both UMR and Morgan support for the WikiLeaks Party, and its Victorian Senate candidate Julian Assange, is running at over 20 percent Australia wide. Whether that support translates into Senate seats in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia where the Party is fielding candidates depends on […]

Running the Assange Senate campaign like racing into cold surf on hot day

By Greg Barns April 5, 2013 Julian Assange has been treated appallingly by the Gillard government, and the Tony Abbott led Opposition for that matter.  But Mr Assange’ s Wikileaks and its underpinning philosophies of both blowing open the world of secrecy that permeates bureaucracies and the political masters they serve – and reducing the footprint of […]