Queensland’s new deputy premier Dr Steven Miles began his rise to national prominence in August, 2020. The mild-mannered philosopher first entered state parliament as the member for Mount Coot-tha (now Murrumba) riding the wave of the ‘Palaszlide’ – the stunning 2015 election victory that saw Campbell Newman’s Liberal National Party (LNP) government ousted from power […]
The Savage Burns of One Steven J Miles, Queensland Deputy Premier – @Qldaah #qldpol #auspol
Queensland Criticised For Doing Well – @Qldaah #qldpol #auspol
What Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk actually said about the covid-19 national plan this week. The Australian has accused the Queensland premier of ruining holiday plans reporting that she had said, “lifting border restrictions even after vaccine coverage reaches 80 per cent would be a “backward” step.” However, Thursday’s press conference didn’t exactly pan out like […]
UNESCO report on Heritage sites affected by #climatechange censored in #ReefGate scandal reports @takvera
A UNESCO report identifies World Heritage sites at risk from climate change, but there is no mention of Australian sites in the report. The Australian Government requested that all mentions be deleted, and this was complied with by UNESCO. This censorship of science should raise many questions. Professor Will Steffen’s statement on ReefGate from the […]
Can Labor wedge the Coalition on #climatechange in #ausvotes? asks @takvera
Action on climate change is a live issue at the 2016 election, but it is still divisive. The Australian Labor Party unveiled it’s climate action plan to take to the Federal Election, likely to be on July 2. A lot of deliberative thought and nuanced politics have gone into this plan with targeted changes in […]
With rising emissions Australia applies Kyoto credits to meet 2020 #climate target reports @takvera
The latest analysis from Reputex energy consultancy shows that Australia will not meet our 2020 emissions reduction target, except by using carry over credits from the Kyoto Protocol first commitment period (2008-2012). Reputex highlights that the Government’s own figures indicate Australia will continue on a new upward emissions trajectory, with forecast growth of 6 per […]
Intense #Bushfire hits Surf Coast Christmas Day forcing evacuations – @takvera #vicfires
We are already getting a taste of the future with climate change with record temperatures in December, extreme bushfire alerts, and intense bushfires like the Separation Creek and Wye River bushfire causing town evacuations on the Surf Coast near Melbourne. On Christmas day BOM Tasmania reported in a tweet “A sweltering 36 degrees in #Hobart […]
Australia agrees to 1.5 degrees inclusion in #COP21 Draft climate agreement reports @takvera
As Environment Minister Greg Hunt departs after the first week and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop takes over negotiations at the UN climate conference, Australia has supported inclusion of the 1.5 degrees limit in the main draft text along with the 2 degrees limit, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. This is an important goal for […]
Australia’s #climate stance for Paris #COP21 reports @takvera #Auspol
It seems that Australia has flexibility in negotiating for a global climate agreement in Paris. Minister Hunt even expressed that there is some room for Australia to lift it’s targets, after a review, through purchase of carbon credits. But it appears there is no extra funding to the Green Climate Fund on the table. Australia […]