Refugees are currently holding a protest at the new East Lorengau prison on Manus upon discovering at least 65 are without anywhere to sleep, after being forcibly removed from the closed Regional Processing Centre (RPC). The refugees are protesting in East Lorengau bcz there s no room for them. immigration and police are not help […]
Beaten and tired #refugees protest rough sleeping at East Lorengau after removal from #Manus RPC: @jansant reports
When has the suspension of the rule of law ever been a win for humanity? asks Fr Rod Bower @FrBower
A version of this piece first appeared on Anglican Parish of Gosford Facebook page. There is a great evil being perpetrated in the name of the Australian people and up until this point in time, with the compliance of the majority. That popular amenability must now quickly become a minority if Australia is not to […]
Alleged abuse against #refugees outside ICC jurisdiction: @jansant reports
The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague has declined “further analysis” of evidence included in a submission authored by Tracie Aylmer, alleging atrocities against refugees committed by members of the Australian government. The ICC said in a letter (below) dated Thursday, September 18: “the allegations appear to fall outside the jurisdiction of the Court”. […]
Are Australians struggling with cognitive dissonance over #asylumseekers? ASRC’s @jj_juliajacob comments
Cognitive Dissonance is a phrase introduced by psychologist Festinger in the late 1950s to describe the mental conflict or psychological discomfort a person feels when their beliefs and assumptions are contradicted by new information. Human nature is such that when dealing with mental discomfort, it chooses to do one or more of the following 3 […]
The killing of fair play: @Jansant comments on what the ALP has lost
I used to be proud of being born and raised in Balmain, the spiritual home of the Australian Labor Party (ALP). The area has produced and attracted some of the greatest names in Australian history, people of politics like Sir Henry Parkes, Tom Uren, Neville Wran and Herbert Vere ‘H.V.’ Evatt (aka Doc Evatt), […]
Independent candidate for Higgins Graeme Weber: @gemoo4 interview
By Georgie Moore @gemoo4 5 September 2013 Candidate Q&A I talk politics with independent candidate for Higgins Graeme Weber. Georgie: You are running as an independent pro-nuclear conservative. When people think of a conservative political candidate, the first thing that crosses their mind usually isn’t a push for nuclear power. Do you think your candidacy has […]
Judi Moylan’s valedictory speech and her history of Australia’s boat people policy
The Hon Judi Moylan MP June 2013 How does one summarize 20 years in Parliament whilst doing justice to all those who have been so pivotal to that service? I have been deeply touched by the extraordinary generosity at every turn by a host of people too numerous to name individually. No member could have […]
Please let us stay
By Ursula Nolks March 4, 2013 EDITORS NOTE: Thorsten, son of Ursula and Frank Nolks, rang me yesterday about the impending deportation of his parents on Wednesday after more than 30 years in Australia. Their lives changed course when Thorsten wanted to get married in 2008, because it was discovered his parents had changed their […]