Burnt bridges: A reflection on the demise of Sophie Mirabella by @adropex

    The result in the seat of Indi is final. Only in the last few weeks, as her 2016 campaign collapsed, has the topic of Sophie Mirabella not rekindled in me the upset and anxiety of the last decade. Rather the emotion was one of grudging compassion. With hindsight, the similarity in the unrelenting […]

Local #IndiTalks media slams @MirabellaSophie’s “playground politics”: @Jansant reports

Sophie Mirabella (@MirabellaSophie) and Prime Minister Tony Abbott (@TonyAbbottMHR) have been accused of “playground politics” during the Spirit Of Anzac launch in Wodonga on Friday, by snubbing “people’s choice” independent, Cathy McGowan MP (@IndigoCathy) and using the event to promote their party for the next federal election. The Border Mail (@bordermail) editorial said: respect for […]

The @Indigocathy campaign clean, #murdochmafia false smear declares war to regain Indi: @camklose comment

The constituents of Indi understand the Coalition’s tactics better than most. In the 2013 election, voting booths were postered, sometimes for 100s of metres in either direction, with negative, dramatic signs warning people not to vote Independent. It didn’t work. People grew tired of the negativity of the Mirabella campaign and voted overwhelmingly in support […]

Rural Victoria rising up against #csg for #VicVotes, by #Indivotes campaigner @camklose

[clear]About a year ago the rural electorate of Indi had just about turfed out their local member, Sophie Mirabella in the shock result of the 2013 election. It was a result that not even the most optimistic political punter could have predicted. A huge community surge that wiped out a senior Liberal frontbencher in a […]

Voyage to the new news world: @burgewords #CreatingWaves on online media

Margo Kingston asked me to kick-off a new series on No Fibs about the experiences of citizen journalists working with professional journalists in online media. Here is my response. A WEEK after the 2013 federal election I was driving to my casual sub-editing job on a Fairfax weekly newspaper when I let a brilliant photo opportunity go. […]

A love letter to all who fight at #leardblockade from Maules Creek farmer eco-warrior Ros Druce

[clear] Maules Ck Local Ros Druce – why I got arrested for first time in my life at #leardblockade. http://t.co/eKFpsssmaW pic.twitter.com/cJ4JJhw9vW — 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) May 6, 2014 Dedicated to all Earth Warriors, past and present, protecting the Leard State Forest As the Leard Campaign strives to save the tiny creatures with no defence against […]

The #MarchinMarch Canberra in pictures, by @Jansant

By Wayne Jansson  @jansant 23rd March 2014 Roll over photos to read captions or click for slideshow. Read More from the March In March Archive 

New Politics, New Media: On-the-ground #MarchinMarch reporting by citizen journalist @jansant

By Wayne Jansson  @jansant 20th March 2014 It’s normal to start a story at the beginning. I’m going to start smack bang in the middle with this one, as it sums up one of the many factors which forced 100,000 plus people to MarchInMarch (MiM) around Australia. I say forced intentionally. People don’t take to the streets in […]

Sssshhhh, don’t tell the media, but politics is changing from the ground-up, by @ariadne_syd

Ariadne Vromen, @ariadne_syd Source: The Conversation University of Sydney 21st March 2014 Political participation in Australia will soon be about hope – and the transformation of citizenship engagement in this country. Here is why. Traditionally, Australian political participation was centred on, and supported by, the electoral system, political parties and major political organisations. Most media commentators tend […]

Ordinary people speaking with an extraordinary voice @MargaretOConno5 reports

By Margaret O’Connor @MargaretOConno5 13 December 2013 It’s Monday December 2 and thirty degrees. The nation’s capital is sliding into a languorous warm late afternoon. I trundle into the Parliament House car park and try, with difficulty, to find a park, because northeast Victoria has come to town. Inside the House of Representatives Chamber, the […]