In the wake of Mike Carlton’s removal as a Sydney Morning Herald columnist, it’s worth recalling another instance of Zionist lobby power. Here’s the chapter by Antony Loewenstein in Not Happy, John! featuring an interview with Bob Carr. First, my scene-setting introduction to the story. I'm hearing there's considerable pressure at #Fairfax board level for action […]
Selling out ethical journalism: @journlaw on @theage secret recordings #springst
[clear] It is a sad day when senior political figures steal a journalist’s recording device and destroy its contents, as we have been told happened at this year’s Victorian Labor conference. But it is an even sadder day when we hear a major newspaper – The Age – justifying a senior reporter secretly recording their […]
#leardblockade protestors remain positive despite eviction: @l_k_oconnor reports
On March 31 over 100 people walked onto the Whitehaven Maules Creek coal mine to protest and more than 80 were arrested. Work at the mine was halted for a day and events were widely reported by the mainstream media. The demonstrations coincided with a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) […]
Citizen journo @Jansant met Billy Bragg and asked him why he supports #MarchInMarch
By Wayne Jansson @jansant 15th March 2014 After hearing rumours Billy Bragg (@billybragg) would be performing at one of the March in March (MiM) events, I contacted his publicists in both Australia and the UK hoping to get a few words out of the legendary musician and social justice campaigner. At about the same time I got confirmation […]
#Griffithvotes citizen journo @Griffithelects live twitter reports of Libs ‘group call’ and campaign launch
[clear] By Jan Bowman @GriffithElects Mass Teleconference in Griffith On Wednesday February 29 the LNP ran a mass virtual ‘town hall’ teleconference with voters in Griffith. Apparently Labor used this technology recently in Griffith to link party members with Opposition leader Bill Shorten and is planning something similar in the last week of the campaign. […]
Margo interviews @macavitykat, monopole sitter at #leardblockade
By Margo Kingston @margokingston1 31st January 2014 I met Kat Moore briefly the evening before she was arrested on Tuesday at #Leardblockade up a monopole on the Whitehaven construction site after stopping 13 Trucks from working all day. I interviewed her yesterday by phone shortly after her return to Melbourne. Margo How does it feel […]
My experiment with a Twinterview, by @ChrisToppSydney
[clear] By Chris Topp 27 October, 2013 On Saturday, October 19 I picked up a postcard promo at my local caffeine dealer and had a little idea. Five minutes later I was home and emailing The Launch Group, the PR company dealing with this year’s Blue Knot Day launch on Monday October 28. I suggested […]
But Sophie, @jansant IS a constituent and others are reading his posts
By Wayne Jansson, 10 August, 2013 People who have been reading my posts from the seat of Indi will be aware I have been trying to catch up with Sophie Mirabella for some time now. I first contacted Adam Wyldeck (her media adviser) on July 9. He asked me to email my request and said […]