Open the gates: Iris Ray Nunn comments

As always, when thinking about farmers being invaded by coal seam gas companies, I think also of our indigenous ancestors being invaded by farmers. So many First Nations' people stopped walking their Country, to their sacred sites, for fear of being threatened and shot at by farmers. Although farmers alive today are NOT personally responsible, […]

I promise to put aside 'alarmist' language, if you promise to work with the possibilities: Iris Ray Nunn comments

By Iris Ray Nunn I just watched Oxford Uni's Head to Head on YouTube, a debate by world experts about whether human-made climate change was fact or fiction. It was interesting to hear a world-renowned sceptic on the subject, atmospheric scientist Richard Lindzen, admit that human-made climate change was 'possible'. One wonders why 'possible' is not enough to […]

On the turning away: Iris Ray Nunn comments on #leardblockade

It is four weeks since I went into the Leard State Forest and witnessed firsthand the widespread destruction of habitat in return for coal. In truth, I am still hurt, still angry. These difficult feelings tear at me because the desecration of our Earth continues – and I am aware that my existence, albeit simple, is still dependent on the wheel-of-harm.  So what […]

Repair and hope for the #Pilliga Forest, by long-time campaigner Iris Ray Nunn

  By Iris Ray Nunn 18th March 2014 Margo: Iris covered the battle to save the Pilliga State Forest from Santos CSG for the No Fibs CSG Citizen Journalism project late last year. It seemed hopeless, then… I know big business has not pulled their CSG operations out of the Pilliga, Yet, but, also, as well […]

#CSG pilot project winds up: @stephaniedale22 reports

By Stephanie Dale No Fibs CSG editor The pilot No Fibs CSG citizen journalism project is winding up. It’s been an absolutely wonderful project to be involved in – in just four weeks we’ve harnessed the talents of 13 new citizen journalists and triggered the interest of many more. We’ve introduced new writers and showcased […]

The crocodile is rising: Iris Ray Nunn reports from the Pilliga

  By Iris Ray Nunn An historical event in the East Pilliga forest on the weekend saw farmers, environmentalists and overseas visitors come together with local Gomeroi Elders and their descendants to learn about the sacred significance of the Leard and Pilliga (Billiga) forests, and why it is of vital importance to protect these sites […]

Who locks the gate in a state forest? by Pilliga reporter Iris Ray Nunn

  By Iris Ray Nunn “We could make some money out of this pipeline Quincy.” This is what Narrabri grazier David Quince's neighbour said to him back in 2010. The neighbour had been visited by a consultant for Eastern Star Gas. The company chairman at the time was former deputy Prime Minister John Anderson. In November […]

#CSG – a statement of sovereignty by Pilliga reporter Iris Ray Nunn

  By Iris Ray Nunn I believe the most important issue emerging from the coal seam gas invasion is not necessarily the water, the air or the land as such, it is about changing the law of this land. Too long we have seen the law – that we are meant to obey and respect […]

Pilliga protectors and protesters – Iris Ray Nunn reports

  By Iris Ray Nunn – Pilliga reporter ‘Big rig arrives to begin work’ heralded the local Narrabri paper, The Courier, last week. The paper proudly reported that Santos had resumed exploratory drilling in the Pilliga and went on to state that ‘the last meeting of Narrabri Shire Council heard an overview of Santos’ plans and […]