By Jack Sumner 29 August 2013 In the Sydney Morning Herald today Paul Sheehan wrote “Labor pulls out race card in bid to win over Chinese“. His flimsy justification for this serious allegation is: “During the 2007 campaign, Labor shamelessly played the race card in Bennelong against Howard, emphasising Rudd’s fluency in Mandarin, his links to […]
No Fibs Bennelong reporter @preciouspress counters Paul Sheehan race attack on @jasonyatsenli
The Greens’ face in Bennelong: @preciouspress interview
By Jack Sumner 15 August 2013 On August 13, Greens candidate Lindsay Peters handed out leaflets at Epping Station before putting in a full day’s work at the software company he co-founded in 1996. In his lounge room that evening, he spoke to me about his commitment to the Greens and the Bennelong campaign. Lindsay said […]
Alexander talks up 24-hour spy cameras in low-crime Bennelong
By Jack Sumner 5 August 2013 The July 10 edition of the local Weekly Times featured Cameras to zoom in on racism, in which federal MP John Alexander proposed that the federal government pay for CCTV cameras on shop awnings in Rowe Street, Eastwood, in the heart of his Bennelong electorate in Sydney’s northern suburbs. Why? […]
Bennelong MP falters on Abbott’s switcheroo as teachers demand more on education policy
By Jack Sumner August 4, 2013 Tony Abbott’s change of heart on Labor’s Gonski reforms for school funding came a tad late for John Alexander, the Liberal MP for John Howard’s old seat of Bennelong in Sydney’s northern suburbs. The former tennis great fronted a “meet-the-candidates” forum organised by the Ryde-Macquarie branch of the NSW […]
The drama of Bennelong: You couldn’t make it up
By Jack Sumner 28 July 2013 The worldwide popularity of political dramas Borgen, House of Cards and West Wing relies upon discerning audiences relating to their storylines. The plot outlined below would severely test the credulousness of any viewers. A prime minister, dumped by his party after he ended its 11 years in opposition, is […]
@preciouspress: Will there be a battle for Bennelong?
View Larger Map This @NoFibs Electoral Map is kindly provided by Paul Davis Seat profile By Jack Sumner 1 July 2013 I never knew the grandfather who died down a Barnsley mine but I do remember fondly the Grandpa who had spun cotton, breathed its dust and died of byssinosis age 61. My Dad was a […]