The High Court has found there is an implied right of political speech in the Australian Constitution, but that doesn’t stop the Liberal Party putting pressure for an inconvenient election billboard to be taken down. Environment Victoria paid for a Billboard opposite and a bit down the road from the Liberal Party campaign headquarters in […]
The Liberals have a #MissingClimatePolicy, but don’t want you to know reports @takvera #Ausvotes
Senate Estimates: Impact of #climate change on Regional #Forest Agreements stumps bureacrat reports @Takvera
At Senate estimate hearings on Monday Senator Janet Rice, the Greens spokesperson for forests, asked a number of probing questions on Regional Forest Agreements. One question in particular asked about how climate change science was included in the review of these agreements. The bureaucrats looked like stunned mullets, until one volunteered that the question would […]
#EnergyEfficiency Opportunities program repealed: @takvera comments
ON Thursday last week, Labor Party Senators lined up with the government, Palmer United Party and crossbench independent senators to repeal the large-scale Energy Efficiency Opportunities (EEO) program set up with bipartisan support in 2006 under the Howard Government. In a division in the Senate of 55 votes to 10, only the Greens senators opposed the […]
Public transport versus east-west link tollroad issue in Melbourne electorates reports @takvera
By John Englart 30 August 2013 The Victorian Government is proceeding with the East-West link tunnel tollroad which would connect up the Eastern Freeway and Alexandra Parade to Citylink severely impacting Royal Park and Moonee Ponds Creek. It is an $8 billion project with high impacts on the seat of Melbourne, but also traffic and […]
Meeting the Greens party faithful in Wills and a curly question on economic transition @takvera reports
By John Englart 8 August 2013 I took the plunge on Friday night and went along to my first candidate launch in the Wills election campaign in Melbourne. It was organised by the Greens for their candidates Joanne Nevill, standing for the seat of Calwell, and Dr Tim Read for the seat of Wills. Victorian Greens […]