The Savage Burns of One Steven J Miles, Queensland Deputy Premier – @Qldaah #qldpol #auspol

Queensland’s new deputy premier Dr Steven Miles began his rise to national prominence in August, 2020. The mild-mannered philosopher first entered state parliament as the member for Mount Coot-tha (now Murrumba) riding the wave of the ‘Palaszlide’ – the stunning 2015 election victory that saw Campbell Newman’s Liberal National Party (LNP) government ousted from power […]

#Climate win: #Hazelwood closing end of March 2017 reports @takvera

Republished from Climate Action Moreland: The official announcement of Hazelwood’s future has been made by French company Engie on the eve of the Paris Agreement coming into force and the start of the UN climate conference COP22: Hazelwood will close by end of March 2017. Hazelwood is Australia’s, indeed the industrial world’s, most polluting power […]

Tweet reveals Australia’s efforts to ratify #ParisAgreement by 15 November at #COP22 – @takvera

Segolene Royal, France’s minister for the Environment, in tweeting a photo with Josh Frydenberg, appeared to announce when Australia is likely to lodge our Paris Agreement ratification documents. “Entretien avec le ministre de l’Environnement d’Australie : l’Australie met tout en œuvre pour ratifier l’#AccordDeParis le 15/11 #COP21” she said. This translates as: A meeting with […]

Frydenberg in #Hazelwood power station closure talks with Engie in Paris reports @takvera

Josh Frydenberg, Australian Energy and Environment Minister, was in Paris this week to meet with the Management of Engie, the owners of the Hazelwood coal fired Power station. It has been rumoured Hazelwood may close down as soon as April 2017, and Engie is under pressure from the French state to disengage from coal. The […]

The Liberals have a #MissingClimatePolicy, but don’t want you to know reports @takvera #Ausvotes

The High Court has found there is an implied right of political speech in the Australian Constitution, but that doesn’t stop the Liberal Party putting pressure for an inconvenient election billboard to be taken down. Environment Victoria paid for a Billboard opposite and a bit down the road from the Liberal Party campaign headquarters in […]

‘We will fight for the worker’ – Michaelia Cash threatens double dissolution: @Qldaah #ausvotes #qldpol #auspol

Update – February 2, 2016 ABC Election Analyst Antony Green confirmed the Turnbull Government does have an election trigger on the issue of the ABCC but the request to the Governor-General would need to be made before May, 2016. . “The government has a valid trigger in the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Bill 2014, but any request for a […]

Politicians ignore questions about detention of #refugees: @JulianBurnside reports

Note: This piece previously published on Julian Burnside’s website: It is a miserable thing to report, but our politicians who inflict unspeakable misery on refugees are apparently not willing to explain themselves. An Australian citizen recently wrote to six Federal MPs asking a couple of very simple questions.  Each letter was less than a […]