By Peter Clarke March 26, 2013 A little context … Lady Bracknell: To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune. To lose both looks like carelessness. The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde What would Wilde have had to say about losing a conga-line of ministers, parliamentary secretaries and assorted […]
I want to vote Labor – give me a reason!
By Noely Neate March 25, 2013 Every man and his dog has given up Labor as a dead loss for the election in September. I am not so sure. John Howard was pretty much in that position at one stage. and it was only the intervention of Tampa and Twin Towers Towers that saved his […]
Just so you know, the government’s media reform case in Parliament today
House Of Representatives 19 Marc 2013 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE Media Reform Mr TURNBULL (Wentworth) (14:30): My question is to the Prime Minister. If this week she is unable to persuade the parliament to establish a public interest media advocate to regulate the content of newspapers for the first time in our peacetime history, will she […]
Citizen journos unite!
By Margo Kingston March 15, 2013 Source: Sheilas Sarah Capper, Sheilas editor: Veteran political journalist and author Margo Kingston is back! And just in the nick of time with an election year upon us. After some time off, Margo returned to writing at the end of last year, spurred into action when she heard Opposition leader […]
The MSM won’t report this, so here’s Gillard and Conroy on media reform
Question Time House of Representatives March 13, 2013 Mr TURNBULL (Wentworth) (14:29): My question is to the Prime Minister. Can she provide the House examples of published content in breach of the standards her government wishes to enforce through the Public Interest Media Advocate? Is the front page of today’s Telegraph such an example? If she […]
The view from Rooty Hill on last week’s invasion
By Pascal Grosvenor March11, 2013 I attended St Agnes high school at Rooty Hill from years 7 to 10. I went to Loyola College next to the RSL in years 11 and 12. My mother still lives in Rooty Hill, and my grandmother lived in the Catholic nursing home next to St Agnes for quite […]
MSM to blogger: ‘Stunt – so what did she say?’
By Kim Berry March 5, 2013 EDITOR’S NOTE: Monday night dummy spit: Labor, don't bother with most MSM. Talk to, write for, tweet to new media. And to strong MSM journos – empower them! Take on big media bias. — 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) March 4, 2013 Next morning I see this: With blog royalty after their […]
The round-up: For whom the poll ticks
By Sarah Capper, Sheilas Editor VOTER support for Labor has jumped to its strongest levels since the last election to put the federal government within striking distance of the Coalition … This story appeared not two years ago, not six months ago, but less than six weeks ago, on 15 January, 2013 (in The Australian […]
The mysterious photo no-one took: New evidence for Press Council
Update 19 September, 2013: First the Press Council told complainant Anne Tan this photo was doctored, and not published by the Australian. We had evidence that it was, and in February Anne asked the Press Council to reopen its file. Seven months later the Press Council advised Anne that the photo WAS in the Oz and WAS NOT doctored. […]
Speculating Poll Dating
Margo’s note: Sarah Capper edits the Victorian Women’s Trust feminist monthly Sheilas. She’s an old friend who has kindly let AFHP publish her first column in 2013. Each month she interviews a bonza sheila and this time it’s Ita (registration for Sheilas is free). I love Sarah’s writing, this time on timing the election, and hope you […]