[clear] In Australia, there has been a fierce debate over media reporting of climate change, particularly by the Murdoch media empire. In a recent interview in 2014 with Sky News, Rupert Murdoch, the chief executive officer of News Corporation and 21st Century Fox, maintained: ‘We should approach climate change with great scepticism.’ He commented: Climate […]
#murdochmafia climate change denial: @ekidna1 and @DrRimmer on countering @rupertmurdoch propaganda
August 17, 2014
Absolute freedoms destroy freedom: Disney
March 20, 2013
Extract of evidence from Professor Julian Disney on freedom of expression and Australian newspapers to the Senate hearing on media reform, March 19 There are substantial problems with media standards in Australia. A number of them we have in common with other countries… We also gather (information) from journalists as well. Journalists tend to speak […]