Stop the guns: Tony Abbott saved Australia. Again. – @Qldaah #auspol

The debate over the Adler 110 shotgun reaches new levels of absurdity in Canberra. You probably missed it but somewhere back in 2015 Prime Minister Tony Abbott threw himself into the breach once more to save the country. This time it wasn’t in the path of raggedly dressed refugees on boats. This time it was real. This […]

Role-modelling workforce participation at #G20Brisbane: @Sarah_Capper comment

Female leadership has been on display in recent weeks – despite weeks saturated by coverage of the G20 Brisbane meet, with a city on partial lockdown, bar an explosion of Queensland Cops, and punters and photo journalists alike, quietly hopeful the PM would, in this instance, keep to his word, with the promise of a […]

How Sales dropped the ball on Abbott

Interview with @leighsales about to air on @abc730. Good to chat about our Real Solutions plan for Australia #abc730 — Tony Abbott (@HonTonyAbbott) April 24, 2013 By Peter Clarke, April 25, 2013 Late last year, Leigh Sales interviewed Tony Abbott live on the 730 Report. Sales was sharp and persistent, Abbott poorly prepared and […]

Anatomy of Sales -v- Gillard interview

By Peter Clarke March 26, 2013 A little context … Lady Bracknell: To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune. To lose both looks like carelessness. The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde What would Wilde have had to say about losing a conga-line of ministers, parliamentary secretaries and assorted […]

Happy to face #Faine ‘Star Chamber’: @Colvinius

By Peter Clarke February 27th, 2013 EXCLUSIVE Last night, I was watching 730 on ABC Television. As we can now, I also had my iPad fired up to follow the #abc730 hashtag as the program went to air. With the cryptic words of the recent Jon Faine negative finding from the ABC’s Audience and Consumer […]