Rural Victoria rising up against #csg for #VicVotes, by #Indivotes campaigner @camklose

[clear]About a year ago the rural electorate of Indi had just about turfed out their local member, Sophie Mirabella in the shock result of the 2013 election. It was a result that not even the most optimistic political punter could have predicted. A huge community surge that wiped out a senior Liberal frontbencher in a […]

Seaspray Victoria campaigners #lockthegate: @CounterActOz reports

The little room was overflowing so we moved. Packed up chairs and shuffled them into the basketball auditorium. It was a pretty good turnout for a tiny town like Seaspray, Victoria – population 300. As we sat there – the basketball court festooned with Australian flags – I wondered how many of these kinds of meetings have […]

#BentleyBlockade a trigger to taking our country back? @mickdaley1 on the democratic possibilities

[clear] Must SHARE! Awesome edit! @parisanddarmin #Pilliga #leardblockadeThe Emperor Wears No Clothes – #BentleyBlockade: — Meredith Stanton (@CloudsCreek) May 25, 2014 As tents and tripods came down and people figured out how to extract extract several tonnes of vehicles and associated implements embedded in concrete at Gates A, B and C to the farm […]

Off the rails with @margokingston1 at #BentleyBlockade: @mickdaley1 interview

Dean Sewell and Margo Kingston at #BentleyBlockade (At the time of the interview on April 30 the #BentleyBlockade was the subject of shouting matches in NSW Parliament as the Labor Opposition Party belatedly tackled new Premier Mike Baird over his plans to unleash riot police on thousands of peaceful farmers and townies. Senior police had […]

No right to report civil disobedience? Why @margokingson1 pleads guilty at #leardblockade

When I was charged with trespass at the #leardblockade on March 31 (see Getting #leardblockade arrested, WTF is journalism and who’s the extremist: @margokingston1 interview with @dailytelegraph), I sought legal advice on whether I could plead not guilty because of the implied right to freedom of political communication under the Constitution. There is no legal basis for press […]

Reporting grassroots greenshoots when faith in establishment politics dies: @margokingston1

Margo: A version of this column appeared in the Byron Shire Echo – @Echonetdaily – on 29 April as a substitute for Mungo McCallum’s weekly column while he recovered from surgery.    Mungo and I last discussed politics just after the federal election on Late Night Live. We both knew what Abbott would do – seek to close down free […]

Visit to #BentleyBlockade on the eve of police destruction?@margokingston1 Twitter report

[View the story “Visit to #BentleyBlockade on the eve of police destruction?@margokingston1 Twitter report” on Storify]

Civil disobedience and the #leardblockade: @adropex comments

[clear]   It was in January, whilst on a family beach holiday, that I first became aware of the protest happening at the Leard State Forest. I had not heard of the Leard before, however the words ‘Maules Creek’ and ‘Whitehaven’ vaguely floated into my consciousness as I read a Twitter report of the action […]

One #leardblockade rule for Whitehaven, another for Jono Moylan: @larissawaters decries double standards

[clear] Apparently ‘false and misleading’ depends on who you are. Based on the Government’s most recent actions it seems information is only ‘false and misleading’ if it’s provided by someone acting in the public interest to protect the climate – not if it’s provided by a coal mining company with a vested interest in getting […]

Frontline on #BentleyBlockade: @trisholaviolet reports

  Can You Hear Us – Bentley Blockade April 2014 by @ParisandDarmin Dawn at Bentley is magic. It’s the time when we most deeply feel the preciousness of the earth we’re standing on, and reaffirm the imperative of protecting it for future generations. Soft mist shrouds the gentle landscape. Rolling green pastures, trees just peeping through […]