A source inside a group called the Australian Progressives has told NoFibs they’re in the final stages of preparing to register as a political party with the Australian Electoral Commission. No Fibs has been provided with the names of some people involved in setting up Australia’s soon to be newest political party on the condition […]
Exclusive: New party of #auspol @AusProgressive hopes to fill Democrats vacuum. @jansant reports
Speaking out at Gosford #MarchInAugust: @FrBower transcript
Welcome. We come together today because we are conscious of the many challenges we face in the 21st century. We are here because we understand that to meet these challenges we must see beyond the short term, beyond the election cycle, and beyond traditional party loyalties. The biggest challenges facing humanity today are global; […]
Central Coast 2014 March against Abbott Government: Ed @CentralCoast14 reports #MarchInAugust
[View the story “Central Coast March in August Bust the Budget” on Storify]
People power set to collide with #FairGoJoe over #Budget2014 @jansant reports
During #MarchInMarch homeless man Bobby with his trusty mate Buster the dog approached me and asked if I wanted a story. He told me they’ve been living on the streets of Melbourne for 10 years waiting for public housing. Bobby invited Prime Minister Tony Abbott (@TonyAbbottMHR) to sleep rough with him for one night […]
Faces in the crowd: Melbourne #MarchInMarch
A cross-post with the Australian Independent Media Network. The Marches in March continue to glow with controversy. Never did so few gather so many, without engaging the usual suspects of the old media, the political parties, NGOs, the unions and the activist groups. There had to be a dark side to these events. The people can’t […]
We are family: Sydney’s #MarchInMarch, by @coolmccool
[clear] By Jim McCool @coolmccool Last Sunday, despite a thunderstorm and torrential downpours, thousands of Sydneysiders joined the #MarchInMarch protests. According to some media reports, this was a march of leftist extremists, the usual parade of tree-huggers and soap-dodgers. I do not believe that to be the case. I was there. My family was there. I […]
More questions than answers after Adelaide #MarchInMarch: @WorsleyTrevor reports
Story & Photos by Trevor Worsley @WorsleyTrevor 23rd March 2014 I am not a political activist. I have never been to a protest or demonstration of any kind. I had long considered myself a swinging voter, trying at each election to make decisions based on issues and not slogans or political spin. Gradually, over the past […]