Citizen journo @Wendy_Bacon on Joe’s ‘Widen the Gap’ budget

[clear]Last night I headed over to FBi, a successful not for profit radio station in inner Sydney to meet up with the Budget_Aus team to listen to Treasurer Joe Hockey deliver his first budget speech. We were hosted by Heidi Pett and the rest of the FBi Backchat team who were working on their show about […]

Don’t walk past, @abcmarkscott and @dailytelegraph

  Update:     @abcmarkscott + K Williams ( News Ltd CEO), 'THE STANDARD YOU WALK PAST IS THE STANDARD YOU ACCEPT' Follow Fairfax example. @jointdestroyer — 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) June 16, 2013 Apology from ABC yet? Statement? Reporting? Apology from News Ltd yet? Statement? Reporting?Go #Fairfax. Set benchmark, reported stories — 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 […]

Conroy demands ABC transparency after second pro-Coalition slap down of strong journalism

By Peter Clarke March 7, 2013 The Federal Communications Minister, Victorian Senator, Stephen Conroy, has accused the ABC of  a ‘lack of transparency and fairness’ over its reported disciplining of its online technology writer Nick Ross, who has written extensively about the NBN. The minister’s allegations, made to Jon Faine on Melbourne ABC radio this […]

Email & SMS correspondence between Peter Clarke and Michael Millett

Peter Clarke 6 Feb (8 days ago) to Mike Millett Good morning, Michael, I am sure you are aware there is considerable controversy swirling around the Faine findings. At one level, detailed analysis of those findings in company with the actual broadcast interviews set against the relevant sections of the public Editorial Guidelines and the […]

Who is wearing the Kafka mask at the ABC?

Publishers’ Note: The citizens journalism project Australians for Honest Politics is proud to announce that thanks to member donations we have commissioned Peter Clarke (@MediaActive), an elder of Australian journalism, to oversee reporting of the Jon Faine story. As a pioneer ABC radio interviewer, he is well placed to take us behind the story and […]

Open letter to Mark Scott about Jon Faine from Margo Kingston

February 4, 2013 Mr Mark Scott, Managing Director ABC Dear Mark, Re: ABC apology to anonymous complainant and reprimand to Jon Faine over his interview with former shock-jock Michael Smith  I write to seek information on this matter and express my concerns at its process. I first learned of it through a strongly worded protest by […]