Ecologist Dave Paull on criticisms of his #NSWpol resignation: @Thom_Mitchell reports #protectgloucester

Dave Paull: The Community Deserves Answers. Just before Christmas Dave Paull, the Biodiversity Officer at the Newcastle branch of the Office of Environment and Heritage, resigned in disgust from his position. He was asked to write a resignation letter, something he initially refused to do, because he disagreed with the way he’d been treated before […]

Labor’s Mark Dreyfus QC takes stand on #freespeech: Abbott and Brandis honour Voltaire only in the breach

[clear] The Coalition will never waver in its defence of freedom of speech and freedom of the press. — Tony Abbott (@HonTonyAbbott) March 13, 2013 Oh the terrible irony for George Brandis QC in fronting the latest Abbott Government attacks on free speech through its terror legislation. Brandis was one of several moderates in the […]

Off the rails with @margokingston1 at #BentleyBlockade: @mickdaley1 interview

Dean Sewell and Margo Kingston at #BentleyBlockade (At the time of the interview on April 30 the #BentleyBlockade was the subject of shouting matches in NSW Parliament as the Labor Opposition Party belatedly tackled new Premier Mike Baird over his plans to unleash riot police on thousands of peaceful farmers and townies. Senior police had […]

Digging up the drama: @1moretalk reports the demise of the Environmental Defender’s Office

By Graeme Gibson  @1moretalk For nearly 30 years Michael and Margaret (not their real names) have lived on their block outside a small north Queensland sugar town. During the sugar harvesting season they put up with a lot of truck traffic, and, being on an unsealed road, a lot of dust. “It’s so thick sometimes […]