Morrison and Abbott named in International Criminal Court submission on #refugees: @jansant reports

THE International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague is currently considering a submission calling for an investigation into Australia’s treatment of asylum seekers. The submission was officially accepted by the ICC on May 19, 2014, it names senior members of government. No Fibs has now seen the full submission, however, after advice from experienced investigators, […]

Try stopping the bleeding hearts: @burgewords #CreatingWaves

There’s no use beating around the bush: The Abbott Government has stopped the boats. I am arts columnist for No Fibs, and I probably should be writing about the Arts. However, like many artists in Australia at the moment, I am experiencing plenty of distractions of the political kind. I find it difficult to focus […]

Why ‘inadvertent incursion’ won’t wash: @adropex analyses Sovereign Borders inquiry

By Lesley Howard  @adropex On January 17, 2014, the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Scott Morrison, reported that Australian vessels had entered Indonesian territorial waters during operations conducted in association with Operation Sovereign Borders (OSB). On January 21, 2014, terms of reference were given for an internal review to be conducted by the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service […]

Margo’s Twitter report on death and injury at Manus Island, Australia’s Heart of Darkness

[clear] Videos by David Marler @Qldaah By Margo Kingston  @margokingston1 23 February 2014 [View the story “Margo’s Twitter report on death and injury at Manus Island, Australia’s Heart of Darkness” on Storify]

Operation Sovereign Borders: an @adropex fact check

By Lesley Howard @adropex 21st February 2014 No matter what you think of the ALP or the LNP policy on asylum seekers, regardless of whether you voted for this government or not, the riots, the violence and social unrest, the fear, the death and the injuries happened on our watch. Ours. Us. Australia. Australia is a signatory […]

Tomorrow when the war began: Australia’s ‘national emergency’

By Noely Neate 25 July 2013 Source: It’s not the movie, the wonderful Tomorrow series written by John Marsden where Australia was invaded but we never knew or were told who invaded us.  Today’s coalition press conference was a bit like that – we are being invaded by a group of faceless people who we need […]