It seems that Australia has flexibility in negotiating for a global climate agreement in Paris. Minister Hunt even expressed that there is some room for Australia to lift it’s targets, after a review, through purchase of carbon credits. But it appears there is no extra funding to the Green Climate Fund on the table. Australia […]
Canada welcomed at Paris #PreCOP #climate Ministerial meeting says @takvera #COP21
A high level informal Ministerial pre-summit climate conference is currently under way in Paris to try and close some of the differences in negotiating positions to set up momentum for the Paris Climate Conference. The outstanding highlight has been the return of Canada to the serious climate discussion table, although it is still very early […]
Halloween heat in UK , France says @takvera travelling to #Paris2015 #Cop21 #climate talks
I have been travelling in England and Europe for 6 weeks now. It is supposed to be Autumn going into Winter, yet there is still plenty of warmth despite the shorter days. Other than a few days of rain, it has been remarkably fine: T-shirt and shorts weather, although a jacket is sometimes needed for […]
Natural History Museum misses Anthropocene #climate education opportunity says @takvera
Like many visitors and tourists to London I took the opportunity to visit the London Natural History Museum. I visited this museum 19 years ago and spent a whole day there with my older step children when they were 11 and 9 years old. So I was keen to go back and share a new […]
#Hazelwood owner #Engie stops new #coal investment reports @takvera
There has been a campaign to close down the aging and highly polluting Hazelwood coal mine and power station for several years. Hazelwood’s French owner GDF Suez recently rebranded itself as Engie and in their latest announcement declared they would stop investing in new coal plants. But they refused to give any changed undertaking regarding […]
For #Paris2015 UK and Australia compared on #climateaction by @Takvera
I am on a journey to the UN Paris Climate Change Conference starting on 30 November. My daughter Tarryn and I are travelling the UK and Europe in the prelude to attending the Conference. While negotiators have managed to reduce the negotiating text from 86 pages to 20 pages (Draft agreement 5th October PDF), the […]
New Zealand sets unambituous and conditional #climate change target reports @takvera
While we wait for the Australian Government to release our post 2020 climate targets, expected later this month, John Englart reports on New Zealand’s climate target it has just submitted to the United Nations in the lead up to the December Climate conference in Paris, and the reaction from civil society and scientific community. New […]
Manila statement for #climate action calls for solidarity and justice reports @Takvera #COP21
The leaders of France and the Philippines issued an ambituous call from Manila for a global climate deal in Paris at the end of 2015. The President of France François Hollande (@fhollande) and President of the Philippines Benigno S. Aquino III issued the Manila call to action on climate change on 26 February 2015. The […]
Will Australia be a spoiler or lifter for #Paris2015 global #climate agreement? asks @Takvera #Auspol
The Geneva negotiating text provides hope for a global climate agreement in the lead up to the United Nations Paris climate negotiations in December 2015. The Paris climate talks are a significant landmark: whether the international community will negotiate an effective agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions and reduce global warming, or allow rising business […]