[clear]Last night I headed over to FBi, a successful not for profit radio station in inner Sydney to meet up with the Budget_Aus team to listen to Treasurer Joe Hockey deliver his first budget speech. We were hosted by Heidi Pett and the rest of the FBi Backchat team who were working on their show about […]
Will Libs bite bullet, withdraw Howard’s over-the-top entitlements to self-funded retirees?
March 9, 2014
By Margo Kingston @margokingston1 9th March, 2014 When Samantha Maiden reported today that the Audit Commission wanted super-generous seniors health card benefits to self-funded retirees reversed, I dug up my 2002 SMH budget comment on the matter. The Libs are to blame for this totally unsustainable entitlement culture they knew would help cripple the budget […]
Come on, wealthy baby boomers, take a cut in super tax concessions for the rest of us
February 25, 2013
By Noely Neate February 25, 2013 I had one of those bizarre mornings where a lot of similar themes unexpectedly came together and smacked me in the face about how self-obsessed we Australians have become. I had a conversation with a friend about Sunrise on 7 (which I am not allowed to watch anymore as […]