Look! You Punters just don’t understand ‘time honoured’ traditions ok? @YaThinkN

I saw some awful reports in regard to poor Joe Hockey, our esteemed Treasurer, ‘being for sale‘ in the paper this morning. Scurrilous journalism at it’s best. Sky News was right onto this outrageous slur against our Treasurer’s integrity, with a bit of hardworking investigative journalism, they got right to the heart of this so-called […]

Visit to #BentleyBlockade on the eve of police destruction?@margokingston1 Twitter report

[View the story “Visit to #BentleyBlockade on the eve of police destruction?@margokingston1 Twitter report” on Storify]

Frontline on #BentleyBlockade: @trisholaviolet reports

  Can You Hear Us – Bentley Blockade April 2014 by @ParisandDarmin Dawn at Bentley is magic. It’s the time when we most deeply feel the preciousness of the earth we’re standing on, and reaffirm the imperative of protecting it for future generations. Soft mist shrouds the gentle landscape. Rolling green pastures, trees just peeping through […]

The #MarchinMarch Canberra in pictures, by @Jansant

By Wayne Jansson  @jansant 23rd March 2014 Roll over photos to read captions or click for slideshow. Read More from the March In March Archive 

Sssshhhh, don’t tell the media, but politics is changing from the ground-up, by @ariadne_syd

Ariadne Vromen, @ariadne_syd Source: The Conversation University of Sydney 21st March 2014 Political participation in Australia will soon be about hope – and the transformation of citizenship engagement in this country. Here is why. Traditionally, Australian political participation was centred on, and supported by, the electoral system, political parties and major political organisations. Most media commentators tend […]

The fruitless push for a Parliamentarians’ code of conduct

By Rose Iser 16 October 2013 The latest spate of entitlements scandals is unlikely to bring about a code of conduct for federal parliamentarians given that, for the past 40 years, multiple attempts to enact a code have failed. Since 1975, federal leaders and parliamentarians have investigated the possibility of a code of conduct, but reports […]

GetUp! update Murdoch ad ban

By Margo Kingston 4 September 2013   Here is the Ad

Pissed off with LibLab? Don’t make them happy by voting informal

By Margo Kingston 29 August 2013 I’ve had several Twitter discussions with people who don’t think either big party deserves their vote and reckon voting informal is the way to stick it up both of them. It’s not. In fact, if the big two can’t get your first preference their next best option is for you […]