A cross-post with the Australian Independent Media Network. The Marches in March continue to glow with controversy. Never did so few gather so many, without engaging the usual suspects of the old media, the political parties, NGOs, the unions and the activist groups. There had to be a dark side to these events. The people can’t […]
Training it to Melbourne’s #MarchinMarch, by @jenoutwest
[clear] By Jenny Bates @jenoutwest, 17 March, 2014 Our journey to March in March began Sunday morning on a standing room only train to Melbourne – amazing, considering not an AFL colour could be seen. It was obvious this march was going to be big, and it was. As more people squeezed in at each stop, […]
Reporting #MarchInMarch, by @jansant
By Wayne Jansson @jansant 5th March 2014 One month into the Abbott Government, a user on Twitter floated the idea of banding together to voice concern about the direction the new Prime Minister was taking Australia. From this seed a movement was formed – MarchInMarch. Fast forward to early March, 2014, and it’s grown into a truly […]
Stop fondling the shark hook: @Sarah_Toa
[clear] by Sarah Drummond 5th January, 2014 Because I recently became an expert in great white shark management on the south coast of West Australia … Okay, let’s start again, shall we? Because I recently released a book about fishing on the south coast of West Australia and sporadically mentioned the Noahs that grind around the […]