@Jansant interviews respected refugee advocate Kon Karapanagiotidis OAM @Kon__K from the @ASRC1

[clear] By Wayne Jansson  @jansant February 8, 2014 Ever since John Howard’s Tampa affair back in 2001, refugees arriving by boat have been at the centre of political debate in Australia. A campaign to demonise and dehumanise refugees has been in full swing ever since. Its been so successful the Abbott government has even seen the […]

Eleven years on nothing’s changed: @FranklyFeisty letter to Ruddock

By Michele Borghesi  (@FranklyFeisty) 19 July 2013 I can’t believe that almost 12 years after I wrote this to Ruddock and Howard, the same shit is still happening… @margokingston1 it's SO much worse than I imagined Rudd/Ruddock what's the difference? Guess my letter really is timely 12yrs on! — franklyfierce (@franklyfierce) July 19, 2013 May, 2002 […]