As we enter the final days of the public hearings of the Trade Union Royal Commission I find myself in the peculiar position of agreeing with John Howard. John Howard told Janet Albrechtsen in an interview of his unease with the way Tony Abbott and George Brandis used the Royal Commission process as a means to achieve […]
Greens Griffith candidate on what’s gone wrong @GriffithElects reports
By Jan Bowman @GriffithElects 3 December 2013 Less than a month after the September Federal election, Geoff Ebbs, former Greens Candidate for Griffith, posted a Facebook message which said: “I’m about to go into financial recovery mode, post-election, and take a job selling photocopiers unless anyone has a better way to earn some decent dollars […]
The federation seat of Adelaide: @naichevalier reports
View Larger Map Adelaide Seat profile By Anais Chevalier, 11 August, 2013 The seat of Adelaide is one of the original South Australian electorates. Created in 1903, its first MP was a former Premier of SA and one of the driving forces behind federation, Charles Kingston. While often seen as a Labor seat, it has […]
@geeksrulz compares IPA 100 point list and Labor policies and achievements
Interesting comparison in the ideas debate of policies, ideology and outcomes. The highlighted items on the IPA list are the ones the Coalition has committed to implementing. Please also check out Margo’s My people’s petition for Abbott to reveal his other IPA policies. IPA Conservative Manifesto Updated 2019 IPA Wishlist Updated 2019 Sell the ABC Hold […]