On November 4, residents of Newcastle in the Hunter region of New South Wales celebrated the entry into force of the Paris Agreement. Hundreds of people woke up early and formed a high water tide mark line to indicate where sea level rise may reach by 2100. “Hundreds of people have come together in Newcastle […]
Newcastle celebrates #ParisAgreement entry into force with a 2100 #sealevelrise mark – @takvera
Coastal ecosystems could be major #carbonsink says Australian researcher reports @takvera #bluecarbon
Blue carbon is part of the solution to tackle climate change. So why aren’t we talking about it far more? Blue carbon refers to the carbon sequestration potential of coastal ecosystems: that zone reaching from just above the high tide mark to the coastal shallows. It includes salt marsh, mangroves and seagrass meadow ecosystems. We […]
What impact #sealevelrise on Melbourne’s privatised port facilities? asks @takvera
The Andrews Victorian state government has been successful with the sale of the Port of Melbourne for $9.7 billion, an election promise. The government had been expecting around $7 billion for the asset. Technically, its not a sale, but a 50 year lease of the port’s commercial operations. The long term lease of Australia’s largest […]
#SeaLevelRise comment engulfs Dutton, Abbott in #Auspol #Pacific #climate storm – @takvera
Australia’s Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has made a joke of Pacific Nations facing rising sea levels due to climate change. The Australian Prime Minister, recently returned from meeting with Pacific Island Nations in Port Moresby, laughed at the joke, before Social Services Minister Scott Morrison pointed out the boom microphone overhead. [View the story “#SeaLevelRise […]