[clear] Following an Australian Electoral Commission bungle after the federal Senate count last September, West Australians were forced back to the polls earlier this month, in what was supposed to represent either an endorsement for Tony Abbott’s Government and policies – or it would instead show an improvement in Labor’s poor vote in the state last […]
Storify: #MarchInMarch Perth reported by @GuinevereHall and @Trixie_Boo
March 17, 2014
[View the story “How the West was run: #MarchInMarch Perth” on Storify] Read More from the March In March Archive
Progressive, to a point: @GuinevereHall interviews the ALP’s Senator Louise Pratt
March 13, 2014
Before meeting with Senator Louise Pratt I needed to do a quick Google search, because West Australian senators don’t seem to have high profiles, and the Senate election appears less personality-driven than the election of House of Representatives, with the exception of a few players. Senator Pratt is currently the Parliamentary Secretary for Environment, Climate […]