Over the weekend a ripple of panic went through the social media in Australia. I was alerted to it by one of my Twitter friends. Word was that Vanessa Powell, described on her Twitter profile as a “refugee supporter”, had been sent two anonymous tweets by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. They could […]
The #MarchinMarch Canberra in pictures, by @Jansant

By Wayne Jansson @jansant 23rd March 2014 Roll over photos to read captions or click for slideshow. Read More from the March In March Archive
New Politics, New Media: On-the-ground #MarchinMarch reporting by citizen journalist @jansant

By Wayne Jansson @jansant 20th March 2014 It’s normal to start a story at the beginning. I’m going to start smack bang in the middle with this one, as it sums up one of the many factors which forced 100,000 plus people to MarchInMarch (MiM) around Australia. I say forced intentionally. People don’t take to the streets in […]
Women’s Minister Tony helps myth-bust views on feminism, by @sarah_capper

By Sarah Capper @sarah_capper 14th February 2014 International Women’s Day, on 8 March every year, is that time of year when we are able to celebrate, pause and reflect. And sometimes gasp. In the political sphere, we had our Minister for Women, our Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, declaring at an International Women’s Day event that having […]
Sssshhhh, don’t tell the media, but politics is changing from the ground-up, by @ariadne_syd

Ariadne Vromen, @ariadne_syd Source: The Conversation University of Sydney 21st March 2014 Political participation in Australia will soon be about hope – and the transformation of citizenship engagement in this country. Here is why. Traditionally, Australian political participation was centred on, and supported by, the electoral system, political parties and major political organisations. Most media commentators tend […]
Audio: The inside story of the fight to save SPC by its boss @MD_SPC

[clear] By Margo Kingston, 14 March, 2014 I spoke to SPC Ardmona managing director Peter Kelly for the first time this morning. He was on speaker phone with his marketing and communication director Bronwyn Powell. I had all your Twitter questions written down to ask, but Peter had read them all last night in preparation for […]
Blasting the #MarchInMarch partisan myths: @jansant reports

By Wayne Jansson @jansant 13th March 2014 March in March (MiM) has now grown to 31 events across the country, the main Facebook page has more than 42,000 likes, and growing. Last week The Border Mail ran a story about an MiM event for Wodonga, Victoria, claiming it was being organised by North-East Border Trades Hall. MiM organisers have been extremely […]
Understanding Twitter addiction: A day of withdrawal by Margo Kingston
Three questions on the Arts Minister @artsculturegov: @burgewords #CreatingWaves

The federal Minister for the Arts has a standing invitation to participate in an interview for No Fibs’ Arts column #CreatingWaves. Contact was made with his office in January 2014, and I followed-up his staffer’s reply with full disclosure of my interview parameters. I am keen to ask him about his government’s approach to independent […]
Sweetening the deal: #SPCsunday helps preserve Aussie icon @LindaDrummond reports

By Linda Drummond @LindaDrummond 15th February 2014 It’s easy to look at an issue and think: Someone should do something about that, but it seems our governments are becoming less inclined to be the ones to do something. So where does that leave us? We can either complain. Or we can act. Last week I […]