#Solar Feed-in minimum tariff to double for Victorian Solar citizens reports @takvera

The minimum Feed-in tariff for solar PV owners in Victoria will more than double due to changes the Dan Andrews Labor Government has made to the regulation of pricing for solar PV owners. Current minimum feed-in rate is 5 cents per kilowatt hour. Victoria’s independent regulator, the Essential Services Commission (ESC), has determined the new […]

New Victorian #Solar Feed-in Tariffs to recognise Greenhouse gas avoidance reports @takvera

This article originally published by John Englart at Climate Action Moreland. New solar feed-in tariffs (FIT) are being introduced by the Andrews Labor government in Victoria, based on the time-of-day – peak, off-peak and shoulder – which better reflects current electricity pricing. The new tariff structure will also compensate solar households with a tariff component […]