The result in the seat of Indi is final. Only in the last few weeks, as her 2016 campaign collapsed, has the topic of Sophie Mirabella not rekindled in me the upset and anxiety of the last decade. Rather the emotion was one of grudging compassion. With hindsight, the similarity in the unrelenting […]
Voters grill @IndigoCathy and @MartyCorboyNats #Indivotes Libs cry forum foul: @Jansant reports
The ABC Goulburn Murray (@ABCGM), The Border Mail (@bordermail) #Indivotes forum was held on Monday night at The Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre. The Only candidate not to attend was Rise Up Australia candidate, Vincent Ferrando. Jon Faine: “Wonderful to see democracy in action.” Not ruling out appearance of Mr Ferrando. #IndiVotes — David Johnston (@david_johnston5) […]
Queen of Mean takes on Miss Congeniality and #Indivotes braces for the onslaught: @Jansant reports
Last June when Sophie Mirabella (@MirabellaSophie) won Liberal Party preselection for the Federal seat of Indi, the much anticipated McGowan V’s Mirabella rematch was on and the unofficial campaign was off and running. Mirabella went out hard and early, barely a day went by she wasn’t doing media: I’m back and you will see me, […]
Oh @MirabellaSophie you have not changed, by @camklose #Indivotes
Disclosure: Campbell Klose was Cathy McGowan’s media advisor at the 2013 election. Cast your mind back, if you will, to the 2007 federal election. A rogue Tony Abbott, let off his leash, went through the Coalition’s slim chances of re-election like a wrecking ball; abusing Labor members on live TV, giving erratic interviews and generally […]
Local #IndiTalks media slams @MirabellaSophie’s “playground politics”: @Jansant reports
Sophie Mirabella (@MirabellaSophie) and Prime Minister Tony Abbott (@TonyAbbottMHR) have been accused of “playground politics” during the Spirit Of Anzac launch in Wodonga on Friday, by snubbing “people’s choice” independent, Cathy McGowan MP (@IndigoCathy) and using the event to promote their party for the next federal election. The Border Mail (@bordermail) editorial said: respect for […]
Joint Standing Committee to consider @mirabellasophie’s #Indivotes tactics: @TammyLeeAtkins comments
Let’s change the rules to ensure polling day’s a more positive experience Polling day’s an opportunity to celebrate democracy and reconnect the public with politics, so voting should be a positive experience that encourages us to reflect on our ability to vote and have a say about how we’re represented. Based on feedback from supporters, […]
Commonwealth Ombudsman investigating @AFPmedia’s handling of #Choppergate affair: @Jansant reports
The Commonwealth Ombudsman is investigating the Australian Federal Police (AFP) (@AFPmedia) over their handling of the Bronwyn Bishop MP, #Choppergate affair, after a complaint was lodged by No Fibs co-publisher, Tony Yegles (@geeksrulz). The Ombudsman probe will include: “the AFP’s use of discretion in relation to its application of the Minchin Protocol” “the AFP’s explanation […]
Rematch as #Inditalks about @MirabellaSophie and @IndigoCathy new #IndiVotes duel: @Jansant reports
Sophie Mirabella (@MirabellaSophie) won Liberal party preselection today at Benalla, setting up a rematch in what will likely be the most watched seat at the next federal election, Indi. Humbled by support of #Indi Liberal members today. We will continue to listen and work with fellow locals #inditalks — Sophie Mirabella (@MirabellaSophie) June 28, […]
The #indivotes movie: @adropex review and musings on how Indi is changing politics
INDI: The Road to Canberra — CROWDFUNDING TRAILER from David Estcourt on Vimeo. INDI: The Road to Canberra “More than a year has passed since the campaign, so it was interesting seeing our emotions on the big screen…Obviously there are a lot of nuances that can’t be conveyed in a 90 minute film, but [the […]