Innumerate Ignorance or Calculated Deception It is unfortunate that the IPA, and in particular James Paterson, did not take note of the ‘scholarship’ referred to in their recent report of the ABC’s coverage of ‘Australia’s energy choices’ and apply it to their own publication. It would undoubtedly have saved them the embarrassment of making public […]
Innumerate or deceptive: @adropex dissects @TheIPA ‘report’ into ABC coal coverage #leardblockade
A Eureka Stockade moment? Your #BentleyBlockade brief before NSW Police ‘Operation Stapler’
[clear] [clear]Northern Rivers communities unite against government-endorsed gas mining frenzy In protest against the mining frenzy that is gripping the country, the community-led non-violent blockade at Bentley in the Northern Rivers of NSW is emerging as one of the largest social uprisings the country has witnessed. The blockade of the drill site, which began almost […]
Spin the Voter Propaganda Wheel: Power and Persuasion
How to play the ‘Spin the Voter’ Propaganda Wheel. Spin the wheel and select your preferred technique. Pick your favourite real life example from Australian (or other countries’) politics and/or election campaigning to match it. Submit your example in the comments below or by using the hashtag #spinthevoter in a tweet or on Facebook. Add the #ausvotes hashtag if there’s room. […]