By Wayne Jansson @jansant 13th March 2014 March in March (MiM) has now grown to 31 events across the country, the main Facebook page has more than 42,000 likes, and growing. Last week The Border Mail ran a story about an MiM event for Wodonga, Victoria, claiming it was being organised by North-East Border Trades Hall. MiM organisers have been extremely […]
Tactics get tough as McGowan’s orange horde surprises Mirabella in Indi
September 4, 2013
By Wayne Jansson September 4, 2013 Reports started emerging on Saturday that sitting Liberal MP Sophie Mirabella, fighting to retain the seat of Indi, had shipped in over 20 Young Liberals from her alma mater, the University of Melbourne. .@Indigocathy says Sophie bussing in Melbourne young Libs for final #Indivotes fling Media Alert: McGowan (cont) […]