[clear] By Margo Kingston, 14 March, 2014 I spoke to SPC Ardmona managing director Peter Kelly for the first time this morning. He was on speaker phone with his marketing and communication director Bronwyn Powell. I had all your Twitter questions written down to ask, but Peter had read them all last night in preparation for […]
Audio: The inside story of the fight to save SPC by its boss @MD_SPC
March 14, 2014
Filed Under: #auspol, #KingstonReports, #SPCsunday, Front Page, Margo Kingston Tagged With: #SPCsunday, Interview, Margo Kingston, Social Media, SPC, SPC Ardmona, Twitter Questions
Twitter’s #Battlerort questions for @TonyAbbottMHR
July 10, 2013
Please add any additional questions into the comments sections. ABC Newcastle interviews Margo Kingston on Citizen Journalism [View the story “#BattleRort The unanswered questions” on Storify] Read More: Fairfax: ‘Ashbygate’ saga pursued by internet-funded activists EXCLUSIVE: Abbott forced to repay $9,400 he charged taxpayers to promote his book Abbott’s #Battlerort lines collapse under @bkjabour questioning – […]
Filed Under: #auspol, #KingstonReports, BattleRort, election2013, Federal Election, Fifth Estate, Front Page, Margo Kingston, Social Media, The Minchin Protocol Tagged With: #BattleRort, #Travelgate, Battlelines, Citizens, Comcar, Tony Abbott, Travel Claims, Travel Repayments, Twitter Questions