Western Australian voters go to the polls this Saturday on March 11. There is the smell of change in the air, and in the polls. Liberal Party Premier Colin Barnett has had two terms in government since 2008 and is seeking a third term. Even so, the Labor Opposition lead by Mark McGowan needs a […]
Reading the #WAvotes tea leaves: @sarah_capper
April 18, 2014
[clear] Following an Australian Electoral Commission bungle after the federal Senate count last September, West Australians were forced back to the polls earlier this month, in what was supposed to represent either an endorsement for Tony Abbott’s Government and policies – or it would instead show an improvement in Labor’s poor vote in the state last […]
PUP puts its money into #WAvotes: @GuinevereHall talks to ex-candidate Gary Morris
April 2, 2014
The only election flyers I have received during this campaign have been from Palmer United Party (PUP). The first was a CD of speeches and a Titanic clip, mass produced in China and distributed to every home in Western Australia; then a written message from Clive Palmer telling me that only PUP can get rid of […]