News Corp’s claims of Muslim husbands with multiple wives claiming multiple Centrelink payments dismissed by Finance Minister Mathias Cormann.
How did I find myself facing imminent homelessness? It happened slowly, then all at once.
[clear] Author name withheld How did I find myself facing imminent homelessness? It happened slowly, then all at once. I never thought it could happen to me. Several years ago, I was a corporate executive: office overlooking Circular Quay, long lunches, incentive trips. But the good times ended as the economy soured, and the company […]
Selling the Budget, @YaThinkN is here to help #Auspol
Normally when the Federal Budget comes out we punters get rather amused at the excitement we see in the media. We giggle at seeing Kochie from Sunrise get his jollies about being in lock up, but unless there is some blatantly nasty stuff in the budget that will hit our hip pockets, we really don’t […]
Seeking a Fair Go in a ‘World of Pain’ by @sarah_capper
It’s hard to fully comprehend, but just eight months after being elected, the Coalition-friendly News Limited broadsheet ‘The Australian’ ran with the headline, ‘Coalition in World of Pain’ emblazoned across its front page early this week. Sure, it was selectively quoting Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who had used the expression in justifying why the Government […]