Corruption fighter Tony Fitzgerald QC names Queensland power abuses: @Qldaah analysis

On Friday, March 28, 2014, Tony Fitzgerald condemned Campbell Newman’s Liberal National Party (LNP) government for proposed changes to Queensland’s Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC). In a written submission to the parliamentary committee reviewing the bill, Mr Fitzgerald described the move as: “the final step needed to remove the Commission’s independence entirely and bring it completely […]

Who locks the gate in a state forest? by Pilliga reporter Iris Ray Nunn

  By Iris Ray Nunn “We could make some money out of this pipeline Quincy.” This is what Narrabri grazier David Quince's neighbour said to him back in 2010. The neighbour had been visited by a consultant for Eastern Star Gas. The company chairman at the time was former deputy Prime Minister John Anderson. In November […]

Assange one of many fresh new voices striving to be heard this election

by Greg Barns June 17, 2013 According to both UMR and Morgan support for the WikiLeaks Party, and its Victorian Senate candidate Julian Assange, is running at over 20 percent Australia wide. Whether that support translates into Senate seats in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia where the Party is fielding candidates depends on […]