by Bumpy Favell August 17, 2013 I met Batman’s Greens candidate, Alex Bhathal in a café in Brunswick St, Fitzroy – a couple of doors down from her work, during her lunch hour. Bhathal is an imposing figure, at least 1.8m – and gracious, considering I forgot to press record for the first 5 minutes […]
Greens gear up for their “best chance ever” in Batman, with Alex Bhathal taking on Labor’s David Feeney
August 17, 2013
Filed Under: #auspol, Batman, Bumpy Favell, election2013, Federal Election, Front Page, Grass roots politics Tagged With: Alex Bhathal, ALP, Batman, Clean Energy Finance Corporation, Darebin Creek, David Feney, PANCH, philip sutton, Save yhe Planet Party, The Greens, Tony Abbott, White Australia policy, Whitlam, William Barak
Why do we believe what we do about boat people: @GrattonWilson reflects
July 28, 2013

By Gratton Wilson I have been following the debate about asylum refugees attempting to come to Australia by boats organised by ‘people smugglers’ on Twitter and associated documents. I was particularly attracted to a comment about the embedded cultural attitude we appear to still have towards people who we judge to be different. This made me […]
Filed Under: #auspol, Authors, election2013, Front Page, Gratton Wilson, Ideology, Immigration, Racism, Refugees Tagged With: “ Black Armband” history, £10 Poms, Colombo Plan, CSIRO, Curtin' s Coolie Corps, John Howard, Pauline Hanson, PM Fraser, Snowy Mountain Scheme, Tampa affair, UNESCO, White Australia policy