Greens gear up for their “best chance ever” in Batman, with Alex Bhathal taking on Labor’s David Feeney

by Bumpy Favell August 17, 2013 I met Batman’s Greens candidate, Alex Bhathal in a café in Brunswick St, Fitzroy – a couple of doors down from her work, during her lunch hour. Bhathal is an imposing figure, at least 1.8m – and gracious, considering I forgot to press record for the first 5 minutes […]

Why do we believe what we do about boat people: @GrattonWilson reflects

By Gratton Wilson I have been following the debate about asylum refugees attempting to come to Australia by boats organised by ‘people smugglers’ on Twitter and associated documents. I was particularly attracted to a comment about the embedded cultural attitude we appear to still have towards people who we judge to be different. This made me […]