The Leardblockade continues with more coal trains being stopped from transporting coal from Whitehaven and Idemitsu mines to Newcastle port for export in an act of peaceful civil disobedience. Environment Officer Anisa Rogers (23), student Linah Winoto (20) and Horticulturalist Jim Kremar (33) occupied a coal train locomotive, stopping all coal trains from reaching the […]
Coal train delayed for 6 hours due to #leardblockade civil-disobedience reports @takvera
March 30, 2016
Coal train protest ends 1st week of #Leardblockade action on #coal reports @takvera
February 21, 2016
“Red alert, red alert, keep the coal in the dirt” the protestors chanted at a blockade of coal haul trucks going to Whitehaven’s Tarrawonga coal mine while Whitehaven and Idemitsu bulldozers are lining up to devastate the Leard forest to expand coal mining. Nofibs reporter John Englart reports on the week of action – titled […]