How Queensland’s electoral voting system was reformed within the space of a month. Table of contents Jump to comments section. Redclaw politics. Post-Fitzgerald Inquiry era. The Representation Bill. Eighteen minutes in Hell. Blood, teeth and claws. . Redclaw politics Call it a Coup d’état, a reform, an upheaval or the trashing of the legacy of […]
Auscript welcomes referral to Queensland Auditor-General: @Qldaah #auslaw #qldpol
April 23, 2015
Allegations against contractor Auscript of poor court transcripts. The Newman Government announced the outsourcing of court transcription and recording services to Auscript on February 22, 2013. The then Attorney-General, Jarrod Bleijie, declared that this would save $6 million. The move ultimately resulted in the shutting down of the State Reporting Bureau (SRB). “The outsourcing of transcription services […]