A Federal Court Judge has found a conspiracy by James Ashby, Karen Doane, Mal Brough to advance their own interest and that of the LNP. Mr Abbott maintains that he had no specific knowledge. Here is a timeline & questions.
This timeline will not cover every detail, as all of this was already covered extensively in the court case ruling as well as the media. What is covered is some of the aspects of the timeline which do not receive as much attention for whatever reason.
There are some questions on the record from Twitter below in the second section. Please feel free to add some more under the hashtag #AshbyQuestions after reviewing some of the info in here. Also please feel free to suggest more relevant facts that should be added to the timeline. A crowd-sourced effort has more chance to get the public record right.
Timeline for #AshbyConspiracy & Questions for an #AshbyInquiry http://t.co/5BKpMCoolG