Damien Walker (@DamienCWalker) kindly devised three twitter logos for Australians for Honest Politics (@Aussies4HonPol) and Tweeps chose ‘no fibs’. Then – it was our lucky day – @firstdogonmoon drew our logo and donated it to us. FirstDog, we are thrilled and grateful. Thank you.
AFHP logo: The winner is First Dog on the Moon
February 19, 2013
Love them all, though looking at the current state of the media, ‘No Fibs’ just says it all about you guys, cuts through all the crap & sums up what you do in 2 little words :)
What Noely said. Plus it fits with the name. And it’s fun.
Don’t want to appear a follower but Noely took the word right out of my mouth,”no fibs”would be a nice change to what we have been getting.
Yep, Noely, Harry & Robert, I agree with you all. Pity tho, lies could have been a bit stronger, but probably a bit too confrontational LOL
i’m thinking ‘fibs’ is too gentle a word for what is happening in politics today
No fibs, a bit too gentle but that’s OK.
All good Margo, go for it.
Fibs is perfect. Lies is confronting, BUT, more importantly, the use of Fibs, just shows how polite & classy we are at AFHP and not lowering ourselves to the same level as the ‘others’ ;-)
AFHP logo: The winner is First Dog on the Moon http://t.co/ScqWmUY4cG