A crash course in CSG’s courtship of farmers: @Thom_Mitchell reports from #Pilliga #leardblockade

“IF the people of Narrabri think they’re going on a date with the handsome new stranger in town, they’re going to go home and find they’ve been raped,” president of People for the Plains, Hugh Barrett, said as we strained to hear. Hugh was giving an interview to ABC radio Tamworth. He was referring to […]

#BentleyBlockade a trigger to taking our country back? @mickdaley1 on the democratic possibilities

[clear] Must SHARE! Awesome edit! @parisanddarmin #Pilliga #leardblockadeThe Emperor Wears No Clothes – #BentleyBlockade: http://t.co/IR9cWn2ort — Meredith Stanton (@CloudsCreek) May 25, 2014 As tents and tripods came down and people figured out how to extract extract several tonnes of vehicles and associated implements embedded in concrete at Gates A, B and C to the farm […]

Australia at #CSG war on home soil: Invoking ANZAC to back #BentleyBlockade and #Pilliga

Just after Anzac Day I saw a film clip from the Bentley Blockade near Lismore, where 2000 people had gathered to block access to coal seam gas mining company Metgasco.  In a misty dawn they had held their own Anzac memorial service.  After ‘Lest we forget’, the camera panned to an older country woman.  She […]

Off the rails with @margokingston1 at #BentleyBlockade: @mickdaley1 interview

Dean Sewell and Margo Kingston at #BentleyBlockade (At the time of the interview on April 30 the #BentleyBlockade was the subject of shouting matches in NSW Parliament as the Labor Opposition Party belatedly tackled new Premier Mike Baird over his plans to unleash riot police on thousands of peaceful farmers and townies. Senior police had […]

Looking across the border, the #qldpol weekly wrap: @Qldaah

Sex offences almost double over the last year in Brisbane’s inner-western suburbs. Cash for LNP access. Funding cut: Campbell Newman’s Mother’s Day gift to dying women from breast cancer. Assistant Health Minister Dr Chris Davis sacked. Newman Govt ignored environmental concerns for Galilee Basin coal mine. Kids and coal: We are in the coal business. […]

A Eureka Stockade moment? Your #BentleyBlockade brief before NSW Police ‘Operation Stapler’

[clear] [clear]Northern Rivers communities unite against government-endorsed gas mining frenzy In protest against the mining frenzy that is gripping the country, the community-led non-violent blockade at Bentley in the Northern Rivers of NSW is emerging as one of the largest social uprisings the country has witnessed. The blockade of the drill site, which began almost […]

Dear @mikebairdMP, respect the people and tell police not to smash #BentleyBlockade, by @janbarham

Margo: Jan Barham was the Mayor of Byron Shire, the first directly elected Green mayor in Australia. She is a Greens member of the NSW Legislative Council, and the Party’s spokesperson on Northern NSW. Here is her speech to Parliament on May 6 imploring the Government to reverse its order for riot police to smash […]

Visit to #BentleyBlockade on the eve of police destruction?@margokingston1 Twitter report

[View the story “Visit to #BentleyBlockade on the eve of police destruction?@margokingston1 Twitter report” on Storify]

Frontline on #BentleyBlockade: @trisholaviolet reports

  Can You Hear Us – Bentley Blockade April 2014 by @ParisandDarmin Dawn at Bentley is magic. It’s the time when we most deeply feel the preciousness of the earth we’re standing on, and reaffirm the imperative of protecting it for future generations. Soft mist shrouds the gentle landscape. Rolling green pastures, trees just peeping through […]